
Expert web development, strategy and solutions to help you effectively communicate online.


  • Websites
  • E-Commerce
  • Consulting
  • Support


  • Project Management
  • Research & Strategy
  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development
  • CMS Implementation
  • Information Architecture
  • Web and UI Design

An average project usually costs between $5000 and $25,000, depending on the particulars of what is needed, and takes 6-16 weeks. While no two jobs are alike, the process usually goes something like this:

1. Discovery

Many projects benefit from a robust phase in which we can work together to articulate your goals, discuss strategy, and create a plan.

2. Design

For simple projects I can often do the design myself, for more involved projects or those requiring a rebrand, I will bring on a designer to work with us to make your site beautiful.

3. Build

I use modern development practices to turn the designs into a performant, accessible site. I emphasize simple solutions that are robust and keep things simple and maintainable for the long term.

4. Launch

A good launch involves finalizing content entry, thorough QA, and a smooth go live process.

5. Post-Launch

I am committed to your projects long term success and am happy to provide post-launch maintenance, support, training and bug fixes.

A la carte

Any of the above stages can be de-coupled from the rest of the process. I have been brought in on many projects just to do the "build" phase, and am a willing and communicative collaborator.

A note on wordpress

For most clients, especially in the arts and non-profit spaces, I often recommend the popular Wordpress CMS as a solution that allows non-technical users to maintain and update the content on their site. Maybe not a big surprise, seeing as how Wordpress is estimated to power over 40% of the modern web.

Many people who work with the web already have some experience with Wordpress. Additionally, It is supported by a large community of developers and hosting providers, as well as a wide array of plugins that can add extensive functionality.